MER Blog

Bringing Silent Films to Life

Bringing Silent Films to Life

Ever thought about going back in time with your students and experiencing what it was like when movies had no sound?

Experiencing silent films firsthand is not only a fun experience for students, but is a valuable learning opportunity as they prepare to accompany scenes from silent films.

In this blog post you will learn how to bring silent movies to life. Come along as I take you on my musical journey from music camp to piano recital.

Learn tips and tricks for choosing silent films, selecting music, preparing students, conducting rehearsals, and finally the big silent film celebration!

As a music teacher, hosting a silent film recital can be a captivating and rewarding experience. Every step, from choosing movies and music to preparing students and organizing logistics, adds excitement and creativity to the event. This is a must-read for music teachers looking to add an exciting twist to their lessons!

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No Book Beginners Review

No Book Beginners Review

*The following review includes Amazon affiliate links. These links do not increase the price you would pay, but help support reviews such as this one. Thank you for your support! Tim Topham's 'No Book Beginners' is a refreshing resource that will reshape the creative...

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Motivating Students to Play Music During Summer Break (Music Teacher Tip #38)

Motivating Students to Play Music During Summer Break (Music Teacher Tip #38)

ummer break is a much-needed time for students to relax, unwind, and recharge for the upcoming school year. Helping students stay connected to music during their break can be a challenge, but with creative ideas, it’s possible.

Whether you continue teaching throughout the summer or opt for a well-deserved break, my aim is that these ideas empower your students to sustain their musical progress while enjoying their time off.

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Recital Burnout (Music Teacher Tip #36)

Recital Burnout (Music Teacher Tip #36)

Are you feeling some recital burnout? Let’s face it… Recitals can be a lot of work, so it’s totally understandable to be burned out from them. In this music teacher tip, I will share 8 tips on how to get through recital burnout and how to help avoid future recital burnout.

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Pirate Themed Music Resource Roundup

Pirate Themed Music Resource Roundup

Ahoy Me Hearties! September 19th is “Talk Like a Pirate” Day! Are ye ready? Ye best get planning. Luckily I have made things easy for you! Below ye will find a roundup of music resources fittin’ for a Captain! Whether ye teach a crew of students or individually, there is something for everyone! Now batten down the hatches and get to work!

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