Mistakes CAN be a GOOD thing!

Mistakes CAN be a GOOD thing!

Most of us have heard the saying, "Mistakes are proof that you are trying."  It's a great reminder, that the learning process is not perfect and that is not only okay but totally normal. It's a process! And as long as we are trying, we can improve. The other day I had...

Sound Stories and Poems

Sound Stories and Poems

  A fun and easy activity you can do with your students during group lessons or camps is a Sound Story or Sound Poem. Because it is that time of year, I thought I would share a Christmas one that I did with my students back in 2010. Boy, my students have grown...

What’s On Your Teacher Wishlist Video

Hey guys! Just a quick note to let you know I did a Periscope broadcast this morning that highlighted some of the products I mentioned in this post. However it didn't record the broadcast (even though I turned on the settings to do so...). So I went ahead and just...

Music Themed USB Flash Drives

Music Themed USB Flash Drives

So if you know Lori Frazer (Yamaha guru) or ever seen her present, you will know that she collects some fun USB flash drives! I am getting ready to post about her presentation at the ASMTA conference and thought of her and her flash drives. I couldn't help but go to...

Technique Trainer Update!

Did you hear? Technique Trainer now has an unlimited studio licensing option! This is GREAT news! For a little investment (what you would spend for 5 students) you can use this resource with ALL your students! If you missed my review on Technique Trainer click...


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