fall kickoff
Fall Kickoff 2018

Fall Kickoff 2018

This last week was our fall kickoff! I always look forward to the fall kickoff. I have been doing this for years and found that not only is it a great way to get excited about the new school year but it has also been a perfect way to ease back into a routine without...

Surprise the Teacher at Fall Kickoff

Surprise the Teacher at Fall Kickoff

When do you kick off fall semester? My fall semester begins next week. I just got back from vacation so I'm busy pulling everything together. Luckily, all the big stuff was done before I left so now it's all the little things that can add up. In my piano studio, I do...

Group Motivation

I recently joined a boxing gym. Even though there are days I could barely stand let alone walk, I keep going back for more. I also go to Zumba class at another gym. I've been doing Zumba for over 2 years now. I have never enjoyed working out... until the last couple...

fall kickoff

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