Are you feeling some recital burnout? Let’s face it… Recitals can be a lot of work, so it’s totally understandable to be burned out from them. In this music teacher tip, I will share 8 tips on how to get through recital burnout and how to help avoid future recital burnout.
Burnout Is Real
I don’t know about anyone else, but this is my most stressful time of year. It’s also the time of year that I tend to burn out and when I notice my students burning out. This is the time for re-registration, summer camp registrations, summer scheduling, following up...
Be Our Guest: Top 10 Tips to Help the Independent Teacher From Burnout
There are certain times a year where burnout tends to show its face a little more. Winter tends to be one of those times so this guest post couldn't have been more well timed. I am excited to have Laurabeth Roundy, a private piano, violin, viola and fiddle teacher...
MTNA Conference; Monday, March 23, 2015: Fueling the Flame- Strategies for Preventing Teacher Burnout
Martha Fischer was a hoot to listen to. Poor lady, she started off with tech issues but all ended up well and she made what could have been a very stressful situation for a presenter (I totally empathized as I have had first hand experience with this) and turned it...
Student Burnout
Previously I blogged about Teacher Burnout, the signs, what we can do to get through it, etc... This post I would like to talk about student burnout and what we can do as teachers to help our students when they experience burnout with their lessons. This is...
Burnout: The Journey from Exhaustion to Exhilaration
Ever have days that you have to remind yourself to BREATHE? This morning I was able to attend an excellent presentation giving by Shellie Ruge, a member of our MTA chapter who is just a couple of months away from finishing her counseling internship. I walked away...
Tending the Musical Garden: Nurturing our Students’ Musical Skills
Just like a garden, musical skills require regular care, exploration, and growth to flourish. Each step in nurturing is an important one as we teach our students to tend to their musical garden.
75+ Ways to Say No (Music Teacher Tip #25)
Do you find yourself saying yes even when you really should be saying no? Do you end up so busy that you feel like you are drowning in a "sea" of to do's? Do you feel guilty for saying no? Do you struggle with how to say no? If you said yes to any of those questions,...
Taking a Break Is Hard to Do
I recently took a few weeks off over the holidays from teaching. My goal for this break was to not do anything teaching, business or blog related and just enjoy family. I did great the first week! I had a few days before my daughter, husband and "granddogs" arrived....
NCKP 2019 Conference Thursday
Thursday is when the official conference begins! This year I heard there were over 180 sessions to choose from. Wow! (Missed pre-conference? Read all about it here) Rote and Pattern Pieces that Motivate and Captivate Showcase By Paula Dryer This year I'm...