Guest Review: Music Lab- Setting Up For Success! A Course Overview

Reviews, Technology, Tips

I am happy to announce that the brand new course, Music Lab – Setting Up For Success has been released! If you have a music lab that you are wanting to improve or interested in beginning a music lab or doing any kind of lesson rotation, this course is for you.

Lizbeth Atkinson shares her unbiased review below. If you have any questions for either of us, feel free to leave it in the comments.


The “Music Lab, Setting Up for Success!” course is one you will want to purchase now if you are interested in starting a lab or have been running a lab for a while and need fresh, new ideas. Jennifer has taken the time to organize her valuable time-tested ideas and tips into eight modules. Each module will allow you to explore areas of setting up a lab in a friendly, stress-free and supportive way.

Module 1 is Tips to Make Lab Time Stress Free. Jennifer helps you determine which students are ready for lab time, ways you can help orient students for lab time, rules for lab time and how to get your students into a routine. She shows you how to create tutorials for your students so they can become independent.

Module 2 is Weekly Lab Structure. This module helps you set up your lab in your studio. We all have different setups and lesson structure. What will work for you? Jennifer has an answer! Whether you only have one room with one piano or two rooms and many keyboards, you can have lab time for your students. Jennifer gives us a peek into her own studio allowing us to observe students in action.

Module 3 is Marketing. Need a letter to explain lab time to your families? Jennifer has one for you and will help you explain your ideas to your families in a way that will be confident and exciting.

Module 4 is Tech Tips. This one is one of my favorites! Tech is always changing but these tips are especially for piano teachers. Whether you need up to date tips for your office or your piano student’s lessons, Jennifer has them for you.

Module 5 is Lab Activities. This is where Jennifer is the most creative! She has a wealth of material and ideas that are both from outside sources and from her own ideas. What can you include in lab time? You will never run out of activities when you watch this module. From books to poke cards to videos to CDs to improvisation to lead sheets to board games to Kahoot and the list goes on! The ideas are endless, and Jennifer shows you how to put them together into coherent themes where real learning takes place with responsible reflection. Handouts and fun new games are included.

Module 6 is Questions and Answers. Jennifer is always looking for ways to make her product better and to help teachers provide a meaningful experience for their students. Here, she answers your questions. As always, she is patient, friendly and kind.

Module 7 is Favorite Apps & Websites. A wealth of information, this module will take you down the rabbit hole and lead you into an exciting world of apps for yourself and your students. Choose wisely and have fun! (I think I may have 95% of these)

Module 8 is From the Blog. Here is a list of resources to further help you in your journey toward a better lab for your students. It is a place you can visit over and over for further help.

My students have enjoyed lab time since I set it up after purchasing Jennifer’s Task Card Bundle. I am now looking forward to adding many more activities and trying to provide more structure for my program. Thank you so much for this fabulous course! It is always exciting to see what products will be released next. You won’t want to miss this one. Highly recommended.


Lizbeth Atkinson holds a BM from Brigham Young University in Piano Performance and Pedagogy where she studied piano with Dr. Douglas Humpherys. She is a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs and served as Co-Chairman in Rochester, NY for two years and Chairman for District II in Columbus, Ohio for four years. She is a member of and judge for the National Guild of Piano Teachers. She serves on the board of the Central East District of the Ohio Music Teachers Association as Camp Chairman and has served for nine years filling positions of Vice-President of Student Competitions, Vice-President of Student Activities, Chairman of District Festival and Chairman of the OhioMTA / Graves Piano Competition. Lizbeth is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music through the Music Teachers’ National Association. She was recognized as CEOMTA’s Teacher of the Year and OhioMTA’s Teacher of the Year in 2015. Her current studio is in Upper Arlington, OH where she teaches 39 students privately each week and holds group classes monthly. Thirty-minute music lab is offered to all students before or after their private lessons.




  1. Diana Bluebaugh

    I would love to take the Music Lab Setting Up for Success course, but when I click on the link, the course is not listed anywhere (there is a summer camp course). Can you help me find the course to sign up? Thank you!

    • Jennifer Foxx

      Hi Diana,

      The course is temporarily unavailable due to the course platform making some changes that are beyond my control. I’m in the middle of looking for a new platform to host my courses. Make sure you are subscribed to my list so when I’m able to release them again, you will know. 🙂 Thanks for your interest!


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