Light Up The March From The Nutcracker

Camps and Workshops, Games, Group Lessons, Misc., TeachersPayTeachers

Last week was our first week of our Nutcracker Christmas camp. One of my favorite activities is using flashlights to help the kids learn about the musical form. Before we bring out the flashlights, I have them pick out the A, B and C sections.

Before camp, I had bought and cut up squares of red and green cellophane (I bought mine at Michaels).


So when we were ready, I gave the students some squares to fasten with rubber bands over their flashlight. (I had them bring their own flashlight but I had some extra’s just in case). A little tip that we discovered- the more cellophane you lay over the flashlight the better the color. I had students use 2 squares but you can even use 3.


Now the fun begins!

We turned off all the lights and those with the red cellophane lit up the ceiling with their flashlights. Those with green lit up the ceiling and then on the C section they all joined in.


They LOVED this activity. I kept the Christmas tree lights on so we had a little bit of light but it also created some pretty cool ambiance.

Here is a video if you want to get a taste of what it is like, though it is much more fun in person. (The record button got pressed a little late.)

Here are a few pictures from our Christmas camp last week.


Interested in more Nutcracker games and activities? You can find some in the Group Made Fun- The Nutcracker.


If you are not interested in doing a group lesson or camp, several of the games and activities are also available aka-carte here.

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  1. Elizabeth Caldwell

    So much fun!!! Love this idea for teaching form 🙂 I’m sure the kids would go absolutely nuts. Stealing this idea to use right before break- they’re going to need something calming but exciting that week 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing!

    • Jennifer Foxx

      Oh yay! I’m so glad you are going to do it! Have fun! 🙂


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