Running Your First Summer Camp

Camps and Workshops, Tips

Running Your First Summer Camp Podcast

I had the fabulous opportunity to be interviewed by Tim Topham for one of his podcast episodes. If you are not familiar with Tim and all that he has to offer, you must check him out. On his website you will find great podcasts, blog posts and resources. His latest addition is the Top Music Pro.

Did you ever wish on occasion that you can be a fly on the wall in somebody’s music studio observing their teaching? Just to get a little sample of how they approach certain styles that you aren’t quite confidant at yet but want to learn how to do better? Well, that is just a taste of what you can find in Top Music Pro. Tim Topham shares teaching video’s, workshops, holds mastermind groups, how to videos and more. The community forum is an added benefit where teachers can share, ask questions and collaborate. .

Okay, now that you know how awesome Tim is, I wanted to be sure that you had the opportunity to listen to the recent podcast episode, Running Your First Summer Camp. If you have never tried running a summer camp before you will want to take a listen as I go through some basic tips to help you succeed!

In the podcast you will learn:

  • How Summer camps can give you the opportunity to explore different activities
  • The financial benefits of offering a Summer piano camp
  • How to get started with your first Summer camp
  • When to announce your camp details to parents
  • How I make camps mandatory for my piano students
  • Ideas for Summer camp themes
  • Legal and insurance aspects you may need to consider
  • My top tips for planning a camp

I also share some of the resources I’ve used with success when I first started offering summer camps (and still do when I need to save time!). If you felt the podcast was helpful at all, please consider leaving a comment over on Tim’s site. It’s helpful to all to receive some feedback. I know I enjoy it when you comment. 🙂



Let's Go to the Movies!

I’m super excited to announce a new summer camp. “Let’s Go to the Movies” camp. Included will be over 8 hours of lesson plans along with everything you will need to run a successful summer camp. In this camp students will experience what it’s like to be a silent movie musician. They will have short acting scenes and will be choosing their own soundtracks. Students will learn about the history of music in film. They will learn about popular film composers and film scoring careers. Students will be part of the magic and action of music in the movies!

This camp is extra special to me because I lost a close cousin of mine a couple weeks ago. Only 4 years older than me he had passed unexpectedly and suddenly. I have great memories of making movies with John when we were younger so I wanted to dedicate this camp to him. For the magic he brought into my life.


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  1. PaulaCain

    Thank you for excellent resources and informative topics! Always a pleasure to read and tune in, Jennifer!


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