Huzzah!!! Quest Complete!

Incentive Programs, Lesson resources, Tips

I am extremely excited to announce the official release of The Magical Lute; A Musical Quest! With all great things, comes a lot of time and effort behind the scenes and this one is no exception. The Magical Lute; A Musical Quest is the most EPIC of them all! I’m so excited to introduce this program to my students in a couple weeks. I hope you are excited to learn more about it.

Here is a video introducing the program…

Because I know teachers have different needs, I created both a Basic Edition and a Deluxe Edition.

The Basic Edition is for you if…

  • You like to do your own thing but want the basic materials behind it.

The Deluxe Edition is for you if…

  • You want all the challenge activities that are included plus all the bonuses.

The Deluxe Edition is going to give you the most bang for your buck. It is chock full of goodies!

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After you purchase this program, I highly recommend you do 2 things first.

1) Read the READ FIRST file 1st and carefully.

2) Print out the challenges cards before you download Aurasma (if you don’t already have it), then watch the VERY detailed tutorial BEFORE you download this free app. (iOS and Android compatible) Link for the tutorial will be in the challenge card file.

Please note… if you do not have an iOS or Android device there is a QR code option. I tried to think of everyone!

If you are unsure, I highly recommend going with the deluxe edition as it includes everything and more that you will need. You can also use all of the challenge activities that are included in this edition in future years as well.

Huzzah! And may ye fare thee well!

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  1. Joyce Hein

    Are you able to download Aurasma on a mac lapbook?

    • FPSResources

      Hi Joyce, it needs to be a tablet or smart phone. Here are the supported devices:

      Even though you couldn’t use Aurasma on the lap book, you certainly can scan a QR code from it.


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