Exciting Things coming Soon!

Incentive Programs, Lesson resources, Misc., Tips

It’s been super busy behind the scenes over here. Several of you have asked when the new practice incentive program will be ready and I have good news! It will be released this weekend! WHOOHOO!!!

Thank you so much for your patience! I was hoping to have it out the beginning of this week but I was in the middle of a huge blog update and along with a few other things, caused some set backs! I promise it will be sooooo worth the wait! Here are a couple more sneak peak pictures if you missed some of them on Facebook… plus a new one! Canyon Creek Media made the whole green screen idea a possibility! So fun!


Behind the scenes! Canyon Creek Media made this happen!


What do you think? Should I go blonde?


Rockin’ the wig cap!

Magical Lute Quest

One of the scenes from The Magical Lute; A Musical Quest!


Speaking of blog update…

First, if you haven’t gone directly to FPSResources.com, check it out! I have been wanting to do a big update to the blog awhile back and then realized this is never going to get done unless I hire someone to do it for me. Something you will notice when visiting is I now have an exclusive newsletter for my email subscribers! I have a lot to celebrate over the next month so you will want make sure you sign up for my email list. (This is different than signing up to receive emails for updated blog posts.) My email/newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive tips, specials, freebies, resources and more so you won’t want to miss out!

Sign up HERE!

What I will be celebrating soon…

  • Updated blog look!
  • 500+ followers on TpT!
  • 1,000 followers on Facebook (only 5 more to make this official- WOW!)
  • My Birthday!

Don’t miss out and be sure to subscribe to the email list now!


  1. Shelley

    That is just super cool! Didn’t recognize you with the blonde!! 🙂

    • FPSResources

      Ha ha Shelley! Thanks!


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