NYResolutionsI’m linking up with Mrs. Miracle’s Music Room for some New Year’s resolutions. New Years resolutions are a funny thing. I don’t always make them because I tend to focus on little goals throughout the year, but sometimes I need those big yearly goals to focus on. I tend to be a goal oriented person and teacher so pretty much most of what I do has some kind of goal to reach towards.

Because I’m linking up, it forced me to think of goals in different aspects of my life…

Personal: To be more Christ like, be a better wife.

These are two things I can always strive to be better at. I can ALWAYS be more Christ like. I have a major type A personality which sometimes means I’m not as patient as I should be. So one thing I need to work more on is being more patient and understanding. As far as being a better wife, my husband and I have gotten a little taste of the empty nest. It will come and go but I feel the need to put more effort into our marriage as we explore this new future ahead of us. I’m excited for what it will bring. By the way we are celebrating our 23rd anniversary on Saturday! (No I’m not old enough to be married for 23 years…)

Professional: Continue learning, step back when needed.

I have learned a lot this year and always look forward to what I will learn the upcoming year. It is important to continue learning, sometimes it’s not a comfortable thing to do, but it is rewarding. As far as stepping back when needed. This is mostly because I tend to be a work-a-holic. I need to listen to my body and environment and know that things don’t have to happen immediately. That life isn’t going to stop if I don’t respond to an email right away, etc…  That sometimes I need to just step back and relax. 😉

Classroom/Studio: To engage more; use what I have.

This year I have become fascinated with the learning process. So I want to focus on the question, are my students engaged in the learning process? The second thing is I have so many “tools” in my tool belt that I have collected over the years. Many of which I haven’t used in a long time. I would like to dig some of the “old” things and use them again. For my students what is “old” to me, will be “new”.

Blog/TpT: To continue to grow.

I started blogging in 2010 and started with TpT in July (on my birthday). It’s been a fun process to see where it has gone. I just want to continue to grow and enjoy the process. 

Just for me: To return to where I was…

Several years back I lost 40lbs. Through some major stresses over this past year I gained it all back. I can’t tell you how irritating that is. I’m sure many of you can relate. So this year I am determined to get back to where I was. I want to feel and look good again!

Well now that you know probably more than you really want or care to know about me, what are some of your New Year goals for 2015?


  1. Sally Ritchie

    I love your goals! They are all things everyone could work on! Happy New Year!

  2. Angela

    Wow, all of your goals sound exactly like mine. I,too, have a type A personality and am a work-a-holic so I do feel like I need to step back and smell the roses. My husband retired last year and I need to spend more time enjoying his company instead of always working. I also have a lot of resources that I need to go back and pull out. Your blog and materials have been a great inspiration for me this year. So I thank you for all of your hard work and the wonderful information that you share. I wish you and your family a wonderful New Year and great success with your goals.


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