Piano Training Camp (Part 2 of 3)

Camps and Workshops, Group Lessons


Spell A Note- Given a word, students spell the word on the staff and/or keyboard.



Water Sponges Staff Toss- Students are the notes on the staff! A note is spun and the student with the sponges locates the student standing on the staff and tries to soak them with the wet sponge! Fun on a hot summer day!






Indoor Staff Beanbag Toss- Students toss a note on the staff and name the note.



Musical Alphabet Shooting Gallery- Students are asked a note question and then they try to shoot the note (answer) that is on the cans down with a water shooter.











Music Note Basketball- Students are asked a note question either on the keyboard or staff then have the chance to make a basket.




Music Note Dominoes- A musical spin on the game dominoes!


Swat a Note- Who can swat the correct note first?!





Note Memory- Good ol’ memory. Matching note name with staff note.


Musical Slap Jack– In this version students were to look out for any of the C’s on the grand staff. First one to slap gets all the cards underneath.




Musical Note Ring Toss- Each ring represented a note name. Students answered the note on the staff and then tried to throw a beanbag through the correct note ring.






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