Fall Kickoff 2012

Group Lessons

Ahoy Matey’s! This year our theme is Hidden Treasures. Students will be focused on finding the “hidden treasures” in our music; focusing on Rhythm, Notes, Technique, Dynamics and Expression. Students will be advancing on their pirate treasure map as they practice each week and advance pirate ranks. In addition they will earn their pirate “booty” (aka jewels) for completing different tasks and the hidden gem for the week. Students will be able to spend their booty at the Pirate auction in May. I bought Jeana Beasley’s Hidden Treasure Kit (which will be perfect to use during group lessons and Christmas camp) and then adapted her incentive program to fit what I wanted to do in my studio.

At our Fall Kickoff we learned about the new Hidden Treasures program and students decorated their treasure boxes where they will keep their jewels in that they earn each week.

In addition, students shared their Practice Prop project that they worked on over the summer. Each summer students work on practice prop projects that reflect how they do with their practicing. They apply a goal (whether it is a timed goal or a task goal) to their practicing and then add to their project based on that goal. For example a timed goal might be practice for 20 minutes that day then spend 20 min. on their project that day. A task goal may play a piece 3 times perfectly and then when that is accomplished add on a piece to their project. I always enjoy what projects students decide to do. We had lego projects, art projects, a couple puzzles, even a homemade blanket and more!

Enjoy the pictures and take a look at the before and after pictures for the treasure boxes! They did such a great job decorating! I had them decorate them with stick on jewels and metallic markers.

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  1. Joy Morin

    Wow, I love the decorated treasure boxes! Cute!!

  2. Catherine Jones T2LP (@Time2learnPiano)

    Love the ideas- might have to “borrow” some! I have so far always run a group lesson once a term which includes crafts etc and tea- but I think I might incorporate your ideas and do it more often! thanks!

  3. Saundra

    Cute treasure boxes. How are you using them? Looks like your students had fun decorating them!

    • foxxpianostudio

      Thanks. Students earn their jewels (beads that look like jewels) and keep them in their treasure boxes until the auction in May.


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