ASMTA Conference: The Yamaha Method



It’s always interesting to hear about different teaching methods. Lois Jensen spoke on The Yamaha Method. You may have heard about the Yamaha method but maybe like me didn’t quite know what it was all about.

The Yamaha Method is based on 5 concepts:

1) Timely education-

Right thing, right time, right way- developmentally appropriate

3-5 years old optimum age (best ear training)


2) Group lessons-

One hour a week with parents

Benefits- Ensemble, learning from peers, energy of group music, social skills, encouragement


3) Use Keyboard as a learning tool

Ease of play

Accurate pitch

Can play melody and harmony




4) Comprehensive




Music Apprec



Visual Skills


5) Nurturing Creativity-



Junior original concert



A typical example of how a student would learn a new piece would have students first singing the piece (in solfege) with dynamics and articulation. Then the teacher models/plays the piece with dynamics/articulation. Lastly, the students play the piece with dynamics/articulation.

In the Yamaha Method there is a “circle” of what should be accomplished in lessons. Fundamental skills, musical sensitivity, a desire to express self through music and a love of music.


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