Last month was our first official group lesson for the quarter. Because our theme is Reach Beyond the Stars I wanted to do some activities that were “Star Wars” based. Doesn’t that sound fun?

There were 3 main resources I used for this group lesson.

The first thing we did was prep our main rhythm activity and played Rap it Match it Music Clap It- Galaxy Edition by Tracy King as we were going to be focusing on quarters and eighth notes.

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After that I was super excited to play Rhythm Wars by Amy Abbott! (I had bought the poison edition, but there are several editions available) I had students use my homemade boomwackers that I had made many years ago before I had actually bought a real set of boomwhackers. The students loved it. Of course, I made sure rules were in place such as no hitting each other…

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Then we concluded our group lessons by playing Music Jeopardy- The Staff Strikes Back by Sara Bisbee where students reviewed their notes on the staff. (Bundle for Treble/Bass recommended)

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I think this was one of their favorite group lessons. I know it was mine. I finally was able to put together my 2014-2015 studio video together, which used these resources in addition to the resources I used at our Fall kickoff in August. (You can see Rhythm Wars in action!) Be sure to check it out below.

Have you heard? Reach Beyond the Stars Advancement Certificates are now available! Check them out here.

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Also I just need two more followers on Facebook and then I will download the Student of the Month/Week Certificates free for the first 48 hours!

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Be sure to ‘Like’ FPSResources on Facebook and follow FPSResources on TpT to stay up to date on giveaways, reviews and other music resources!


  1. 88pianokeys

    Wowza, looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing all these fantastic ideas!

  2. BettyLou

    Could you change my email to [email protected]

    Sent from my iPhone


    • foxxpianostudio

      Betty, I’m afraid I can’t. You need to go into your account and make that change yourself…

  3. Saundra

    Looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing your studio ideas. What are the age group divisions you use for these classes? AND did you have any difficulty getting your parents on board with a group class in place of their private lesson that week?

    • foxxpianostudio

      Hey Saundra- I separate them into Preschool-5th grade and 6th-12th grade. No, I don’t have any difficulty in doing groups in place of private lessons everything goes by the yearly calendar and divided equally in monthly tuition payments. Which means so many private lessons are included, group, and camps during the year. 😉


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