Tech Tuesday: Piano Maestro News

Apps, Tech Tuesdays, Tips

(I had a full day yesterday, so I didn’t get this post out in time, but better late then never right?)

So did you hear the exciting news yet? JoyTunes officially announced that their app, Piano Maestro is now FREE for teachers and their students! Click here for the official announcement.

I’m so excited! My students have been using Piano Maestro over the last 6+ months and they love it. Half of them are doing it at home as well. I would love to see all them have access at home eventually. The thing that I love most about this exciting news is that it shows the world that despite the tech tools out there that can “teach” how to read notes, teachers are still important! JoyTunes knows that teachers are #1 and the app is a great supplemental tool.

If you haven’t had the chance to try Piano Maestro yet or don’t have an iPad. Now is the time to see what it’s all about. One of my favorite things to do with Piano Maestro is simply having my students play their scales with the app! Scales no longer get the groans they used to. It’s so much more fun with background music, getting 3 stars and sharing the moment!

Screen Shot 2014-08-27 at 8.55.03 AM

Screen Shot 2014-08-27 at 8.56.09 AMHeads up! My September guest will be posting more about Piano Maestro so keep your eye out! Are you part of the JoyTunes Teachers group on Facebook? If not, be sure to join here.


  1. Denise Thompson

    I love those cute postcards. How did you make them?

  2. foxxpianostudio

    Denise, it was just a screen shot of the share the moment feature on Piano Maestro. I email the share the moment to me so I can have a copy, then I forward it to the parents so they can see it. The cool thing is it records the audio so in the email the parents can hear the student play.


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