Musical Riddles


I decided to extend the “teachinghelpingteachers” donation for Musical Riddles another day. If you missed it yesterday, I’m donating a percentage of this product to help another music teacher who is in need. It is a fun powerpoint that could be used in group classes and camps where students figure out the answer to the musical riddle. You can check it out here. Thanks!

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You can use musical riddles as a scavenger hunt (I did this at Christmas camp one year) or in a game show style setting, or simply as a review. Enjoy!


  1. Barbara Rice


    This Riddle Game looks very interesting.  Is there a way that I can see an example before purchasing?

    Thanks, Barbara

  2. foxxpianostudio

    Yes Barbara, when you click on the link there are a few examples you can see. 😉


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