Piano Olympic free pages- updated

Camps and Workshops

I updated the free Piano Olympic pages in my store (assignment page and rules) for those who do not use MusicLearningCommunity in your studio. For teachers who do use MLC in their studio as assignments, you can still easily utilize it in the updated changes. Hope that helps and makes it easier on everyone.


  1. Robbin

    I would really like to implement this is my studio…today! I’m at a loss on the theory tests though. What constitutes “passing a theory test on your level”? What about the rhythm part? Thanks!

    • foxxpianostudio

      HI Robbin, I always use what I have in my studio. So for example if you use Piano Adventures at all… they have review tests typically at the beginning of a book before they begin a new level. It works great for that. Also MTA groups usually have testing programs, with mine they have sample tests that we can use with our students. So I have used those as well. As far as rhythm, this year I will be using iPad apps. In the past, I have just made some up and had a combination of clap-backs, sight-reading, write down the counting for a couple measures etc… All in all, I usually just used resources I already had in my studio. As far as “passing” a test. I require 70% or higher as that is what our state music achievement program requires. Hope that helps!

  2. Robbin

    This definitely helps! Thanks!
    Where do you purchase the medals that you give at the completion of the program?

    • foxxpianostudio

      Hi Robbin, I use http://www.crownawards.com. (Also trophydepot.com is good as well) They have bronze, silver and gold music themed medal options which is perfect for this program! AND music themed ribbon

  3. Robbin

    Great! Thanks again!

  4. Robbin

    Another question from me….who could have predicted that? I’ve used flashcards in my studio since day one. I arbitrarily chose 20 seconds as my time limit. Each student receives one penny for each flash card identified in that time. Yes, even my older students like to pick through my dish and find the shiniest pennies!
    I am stumped when I think about “Flashcards under a minute.” How many are required? All the notes on the grand staff?

    • foxxpianostudio

      I usually do the notes the child has learned. If it’s from Bass C to Treble C then we do that. If they are more advanced than I typically do low C to high C. Another idea for you is to use an app such as Music Flash Class that has a flashcard/timer option and then it just does the work for you. You just pick the notes you want and it has them complete them within a minute. It will show you how many mistakes were made. For me to pass this event, they would need 0 mistakes.

  5. Robbin

    Thanks once again!


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