A Spooktacular Giveaway!

Contest, Lesson resources, Reviews

Halloween is around the corner and if you haven’t already started, it’s time for the ghouls and goblins in our studio to start learning Halloween pieces! I personally hold a Halloween Festival in my studio so my students have been choosing their pieces to play and are getting excited to perform next month!

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Daniel McFarlane has a new Halloween Mega Pack available that is PERFECT to use with your students for Halloween (and frankly most of these pieces are fun to play anytime of the year). What makes this Mega Pack super SPOOKTACULAR is it includes not only the unlimited reproduction on the pieces but also the backing tracks, ensemble versions, exercises, theory (both US and UK versions) and activity pages. PLUS a chance for students to win some fun prizes through the Halloween challenge!

Here are a few samples of some of the theory activity pages. For more samples and to hear the music, be sure to visit Supersonics Piano.

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All of the pieces in the Mega Pack can also be purchased individually. Daniel is offering 15% off ALL digital products INCLUDING the Halloween Mega Pack through this Sunday, September 21st. Just type in the code: Spooky15 when you order here.

He is also giving away a Halloween MEGA Pack to one lucky teacher. To enter, just ‘like’ Supersonics Piano on Facebook and leave a comment below with what you are doing with your students this Halloween! Deadline to enter is by this Saturday, September 20th 10:00pm (AZ) MST.  DEADLINE HAS EXPIRED


Be sure to ‘Like’ FPSResources on Facebook and follow FPS on TpT to stay up to date on giveaways, reviews and other music resources!


  1. lbula

    I’m planning my traditional Halloween piano party that involves playing music theory games in the dark thanks to flashlights and glow-in-the-dark masking tape, performing Halloween pieces in the dark, and eating Halloween treats. Daniel’s music looks and sounds really exciting!

  2. Beth Yantz

    I am introuncing spooky sounding music to my elementary aged students to work on this next month. They will be easy enough to learn quickly, and hopefully we will successfully add expressive dynamics, etc., to show the full impact that makes on the finished product of a song. No recital. I can only handle 2 a year. The next one is early January 2015 of holiday favorites.

  3. Karen C

    My studio kids will be participating in DVMTA’s Music Marathon doing Halloween pieces dressed and in costumes. Fun!

  4. Bethany

    I will be on maternity leave beginning October 15. This is a perfect way to give my students something fun, and spooky to practice over my break. I am planning on encorporating a lot of practic incentives over my break–we’ll see how many actually go for it!

  5. Christine Bookman

    We are having a Halloween themed piano party complete with costumes, Halloween Theory games, and performing our Halloween pieces. I’ve also heard that Mrs. Razzle-Dazzle may attend!

  6. Loraine

    I am assigning Halloween pieces to all student in my studio, could be solo or duet.

  7. Lisa

    All of my students are learning spooky pieces this year to celebrate Halloween! (Our fall piano recital is in early November this year, so there will be different pieces for that.) Meanwhile, we are gearing up for lots of moody, dark, mysterious, scary, spooky sounding music!

  8. Shelyn Gibb

    haven’t thought about doing something for halloween but would love to try this music out and incorporate it into my studio. Thanks

  9. Marci Pittman

    We don’t do much for Halloween as most of my students are preparing for the Monster Piano Concert auditions the third & fourth weekends of October. For those not planning to audition, I try to find a mysterious or Halloween piece that is at their skill level to have fun with and earn points on in our studio practice promotion, which begins in early October.

  10. Helen

    I’m planning on using duets & trios to get my students listening more, and what better what to do that than with these new Daniel McFarlane pieces! So excited to test them out. 🙂

  11. mycgrimsby

    I’m being thankful that finally Halloween is on a Friday & I don’t have to worry about needing to reschedule Halloween lessons for a couple of years.

  12. Sue

    Having some fun with minor sounds!!!

  13. Kate

    Halloween decorations, spooky-sounding music and maybe even a scary costume to wear for teaching that day!

  14. Rebekah

    I’m having a Halloween concert – these pieces look perfect!

  15. Lavinia Livingston

    Dressing in Halloween costumes and playing spooky music is one of the annual highlights of my studio. Top it off with a pizza party. These theory activities look like an exciting addition.

  16. Debbie

    Halloween costumes and Halloween music at the local retirement home with a trunk or treat activity for the students afterwards in the parking lot.

  17. Rebecca

    I’m planning on having a Halloween group class (with costumes), but haven’t figured out exact activities yet. I always like to review major vs. minor at this time of year for those who are less familiar.

  18. Saundra

    We always learn Halloween pieces and hold a group class. Costumes are encouraged!

  19. buckeyeamy

    All my events piano students play Halloween songs during October. During the week of Trick or Treat I pass out candy to all my students. This year I may switch to Halloween -themed pencils, erasers and other items instead of candy dye to allwrgiez, braces, etc. I encourage them to being in lectures of themselves in costume.

  20. Marie Lee

    Every year we have a Halloween street recital. My husband hooks up big speakers to one of my keyboards and sets everything up in our driveway. My students drop by in their costumes between 6-8pm and play for the trick-or-treaters on our street. Our street is very busy with Halloween activity so my students draw in huge crowds. We even get people from other neighborhoods who “heard some music” and came over to see what it was. My students talk about this all year long!


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