Review: Supersonics Piano


If you haven’t heard of Supersonics Piano, you are in for a treat. In 2013, Daniel McFarlane released his website Supersonics Piano.

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There are over 100 original compositions available on his website. Daniel’s music is diverse, filled with contemporary sounds, fun rhythms and appealing to all ages. His compositions are those that fit the “sounds harder than it is” bill that we often try to find for some of our students. His music in particular I think is motivating for boys to play, but really enjoyable for all.

The thing I love most about the Supersonics Piano website is how easy it is to navigate. Because it is digital copies, it is important to know what you are purchasing. You can not only view samples, but can hear samples of each piece. His music ranges from Elementary through Early Advanced. You can purchase single digital licenses or unlimited reproductions. You can purchase the pieces as singles or in some cases albums. For example albums A and B include quite a bit of the singles. When you buy the albums, you are getting more bang for your buck. In addition there are backing tracks available of albums A and B. Group licensing is available for the duets and trios. Digital music is here and is the way of the future.

Because it is monsoon season here in Arizona, I thought I would show a preview of a piece by Daniel McFarlane titled, Monsoon so you can get an idea of what the previews will look like. (Fun piece by the way)

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If you go to the website and scroll down to the footer of the page, you will see that you can sign up for the newsletter updates. When you do, you can receive free samples of music to try out. New releases are always discounted by 15% for the first 3 days after their release so it is worthwhile to be notified of updates! Also be sure to check out the teacher rewards program! In addition, I would encourage you to stay updated with the latest music or ask questions about Daniel’s music on the Supersonics Piano Discussion Group page.

Now for some goodies. Daniel has offered ALL the readers a 15% discount on all his music in his website. Use code: superfps when you make your order. This code will expire next Friday, July 25th.

AND we’re not done… On top of that Daniel has offered to do a giveaway to one lucky winner a single print copy of one of the 3 books (your choice). To enter, leave a comment below. Deadline to enter is this Tuesday, July 22nd, 10:00pm (AZ Mountain Standard). For EXTRA entries, leave another comment if you are a FPSFacebook fan and if you follow FPSResources on TpT, leave another comment that you follow.  That’s 3 possible entries! GIVEAWAY HAS EXPIRED



Be sure to like FPSResources on Facebook to stay up to date on giveaways, reviews and other music resources!


  1. Emily

    I’ve been interested in these books for a while now. Would love to win one!

  2. Martha Erickson

    Playing his music just makes me feel like a kid again! Fun! exciting, exhilaratin !!!! My students love it too. What a great way to celebrate me turning 50 on July 21!

  3. Zoé Iglesias

    Yes. I’ve heard al Daniel’s music on his website and liked it a lot! And indeed I also thought it a little bit more for boys, but girls can like it too! I’ve already subscribed to the newsletters and became part of the facebook group.It’s really nice music and I’d like to have his books 🙂

  4. Zoé Iglesias

    Already downloaded the attitude poster from your TPT with the music border. I’ll paste it in my studio. Thanks! Follower number 31!

  5. Zoé Iglesias

    Have followed the FPS Facebook page, but haven’t clicked on the notifications. Now I’ll get them 😀

  6. Rhoda

    new music for me and my studio but looks like it is something that will definitely be used.

  7. Denise Thompson

    I have already been using Supersonic music and my students love it. It has a cool contemporary sound that they love.

  8. Lori

    I have been eyeing his music for quite a while. I would love to win!

  9. Lori

    I am an FPSFacebook fan.

  10. Lori

    I follow FPSResources on TpT.

  11. Brad

    Sounds like this is a must

  12. Brad

    I am a facebook fan

  13. Brad

    I follow FPSResources

  14. Anita

    Gonna check this out! Always on the lookout for new music and resources.

  15. Rhoda

    I am a FPSF facebook fan

  16. Rhoda

    I follow PSResources

  17. Shelyn Gibb

    So going to check this out. I am always on the lookout for great music for my students to learn.

  18. Shelyn Gibb

    FPSFacebook fan

  19. Shelyn Gibb

    FPSResources on TpT

  20. Whitney Page

    So glad to know about this site and the great music!

  21. Whitney Page

    I follow FPS on facebook

  22. Whitney Page

    I follow FPSResources on TpT

  23. Karen C

    Looks like another great resource!

  24. Karen C

    Following you on Facebook!

  25. Karen C

    Following you on TPT!

  26. Rebecca U

    I’m so glad that you shared about Supersonics. I’ve been listening to examples of the songs and I’m really enjoying the songs!

  27. Leslie Steiner

    Contest entry! Looking forward to your music.

  28. Margaret

    Thanks for sharing his website. Excited to try it out!

  29. Carla

    excited to learn about this website

  30. Carla

    I am a follower of FPSResources

  31. Carla

    Big FPSFacebook fan

  32. Christine

    This sounds fabulous!

  33. Jeannie

    Sounds like something I would use on my students

  34. Jeannie

    I follow FPSResouces

  35. Jeannie

    I am a FPSF fan

  36. Teresa

    Looks like lots of fun!

  37. Teresa

    I am a PSFacebook fan

  38. Teresa

    I follow FPSResources on TpT

  39. cindyrutledgepiano

    I’m really looking forward to using some of these pieces in my studio!

  40. Walter

    Excited about something new and refreshing

  41. Walter

    i am a facebook fan

  42. Walter

    I follow FPSResources on Tpt

  43. cindyrutledgepiano

    I follow FPSResources on TpT.

  44. Sue

    Great sounding music for boys!

  45. Sue

    I’m a Facebook fan!

  46. Sue

    i’m following you on TpT! Great job on all of your projects!

  47. Karen T

    I’m a TpT follower

  48. Karen T

    I’m a Facebook followe

  49. Janeen

    I would really like to win a copy of one of these books to try.

  50. Janeen

    I am a FPSFacebook fan!!

  51. Betsy B

    I’m a FPS follower

  52. Betsy B

    I’m looking forward to trying Supersonics one way or another!

  53. Betsy B

    I’m following on TPT!

  54. Karin

    Sounds like a great series for my boys!

  55. Rebecca

    This music looks very fun and I will have to get some!

  56. Rebecca

    I follow FPS Resources on Facebook, too.

  57. Rebecca

    I follow FPS Resources on TpT, too.

  58. akbentz

    Love Daniel’s music, especially for some of my hard-to-please boys, and for the easy way it is distributed!

  59. akbentz

    I follow FPS Resources under my business page, Bentz Music Studio.


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