Christmas Camp Week 2

Camps and Workshops, Group Lessons

Just like the week before, as students arrived at camp they worked in the activities that were inside their Olympic workbook. Then before I would forget we did group pictures!

After pictures, students who weren’t able to perform their Christmas pieces the week before performed while the others listened and wrote down what piece they thought was being played. (Name that Christmas Carol)

Next, it was time to create a creative compositions using The Curious Case of Muttzart and Ratmaninoff. I will be blogging about this tool in depth soon! Keep your eye out! Everyone did a great job and I look forward to hearing everyone’s completed compositions in January when they return.



After our hard work with creating original compositions we took a snack break…

Then it was time for more Christmas Music Games! We played Christmas Carol Charades, (There are several ways you can play this game. We did it Charade and Taboo style), I Have Who Has Christmas theme reviewing music symbols and Christmas Rhythm Match Up.




With a couple minutes to spare we ended camp with watching the very creative Jon Schmidt from the Piano Guys playing his version of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer… A must see!


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  1. 88pianokeys

    What fun–your students are lucky to have you, Jennifer!
    I did something similar (creative based camp) this summer and used The Curious Case of….they are great pages. Merry Christmas!

  2. nancyjuddpiano

    You are an awesome teacher!




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