Studio Policies: Part 1 of 5

Lesson resources, Tips

This week my re-registration forms are due. The nice thing is all of them have been turned in! So I already know who is continuing next year (everyone- yay!) and I already have the summer schedule out and ready to go. My summer and re-registration forms are due by May 1st. Though because many of my parents are anxious to receive the summer schedule I may change the deadline a little earlier next year. I require participation in summer camp (or workshops depending what I do that year) in order for their spot to be held for Fall.

Because this is the time of year that everyone is doing re-registration and revamping studio policies, I thought I would share what I have in my studio policy that works well. Rarely do I have an issue that comes up. I broke up this subject into 5 categories:

1) Lessons

2) Tuition

3) Attendance (including discontinuing/dismissal)

4) Practicing

5) Misc.

Today’s post focuses on Lessons…


• I offer a couple options for piano lessons: Private Lessons, Early Childhood and/or Special Need Lessons. These
are both held once a week following the yearly calendar. The yearly calendar is published on the studio website:
• Group lessons are held 3 times a year and will be served as free bonus lessons. The bonus group lessons may serve
as “make-ups” for those unavoidable occasions when a student or, rarely, the teacher must miss a lesson. Students
with perfect attendance may consider these as bonus lessons.
• Piano lab will be a variety of technique, theory, rhythm and ear training skills, music appreciation as well as
composition. Students are expected to respect all studio property and to use equipment carefully. If a student does
not respect the property in the lab, their use of the lab will be discontinued and you will be charge replacement cost
of intentionally broken items. Normal wear is expected.
• Please be on time for your lesson and when picking up your child. If your lesson is from 4:00pm-4:45pm and you
come at 4:10, the lesson will still end at 4:45pm. This insures that none of my lessons will run behind. Please do
not arrive more than 5 min. before your lesson time or pick your child up more than 5 min. late.
• Students are expected to continue lessons in the summer months and participate in Piano Camp Workshops.
Students, who do not continue lessons in the summer or participate in Piano Workshops, will be added to the bottom
of the studio waiting list. However, if you wish to hold your spot, you may continue to pay the monthly piano fee
during that time. Piano Workshops are held in December and during the summer. There are no regular lessons when
workshops are held during those two months. December’s workshop is considered when tuition for the year is
totaled and divided. It is the same tuition fee schedule you normally have during the year.
Disclaimer: Not all of the wordings in my policy are original. Over the years I have come across great ideas in teachers policies that were willing to share so I have adapted them into my policy as well. If you see something that is your original idea, thank you! And feel free to credit yourself  the comments. 


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