MTNA Conference: Tuesday Showcase; JoyTunes


One of my students favorite apps is the app, Piano Dust Buster. So when I saw that JoyTunes, creator of Piano Duster would be doing a showcase, I wanted to attend.

If you aren’t familiar with Piano Dust Buster you got to check it out.

The storyline is the granny dusting off the notes when students play it correctly. It is not intended to be a teaching tool. This app was intended for the beginner phase to get students psyched about piano. The app download is free and includes a song pack purchase. From there you can purchase additional song packs.

The exciting announcement at their book and their showcase was about a new app called Piano Mania. I am currently beta testing this app with my students and I can’t wait until it is available to the public. Think Piano Dust buster with more!

A few things we learned about Piano Mania:

– It is designed for piano teachers as a tool for teaching.

– For practice motivation and a solution for teachers and parents.

– Covers treble AND bass clef

– Will have free play- users side of app

– Gradual learning experience by advancing Ranks.

– Customizable- adjust tempo, note names shown or hidden, wait for correct notes as you play or perform

– Will score technique, rhythm and sight-reading.

– Students will not be able to jump ahead, they will need to do it rank by rank.

– RH or LH separate or both hands.

– There is a find at teacher section in app based on location, name, level, review…

– Teachers can get progress reports fro students, how much practice time, scores, etc… Then teacher can give feedback from a single click. (Good job, amazing etc.)

– For Parents- an idea is to have parents and child challenge to a piano “duel”.

– Will have chart buster pieces on this app as well. (This is good news because chart buster is my students favorite section of the dust buster app)  Good motivation to advance ranks.

– Has time signature. Will have key signature changes.

More about Piano Mania when it comes out! Which shouldn’t be too far away!


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