Today I am reviewing a product you can find in the Music Teacher Store called The Whole Shebang: Theory Power Cubes. The theory power cubes is a set of 14 alphabet blocks which include sharps, double sharps, flats, double flats and natural sides. The best part of this...
Music Teacher Store
Review Series: Music Teacher Store; Susan’s Seminars for Music Teachers
Today I am reviewing one of Susan's Seminars for Music Teachers, Maximizing One-on-One Time with Your Students. All of Susan's Seminars can be found in the Music Teacher Store. I was excited about this particular seminar as it is a common frustration many teachers can...
Review Series: Music Teacher Store; Scales & Stuff
Today I am reviewing a scale book you can find at the Music Teacher Store called Scales & Stuff. Scales & Stuff is created by Jane Calder. Jane writes in the preface to this book that she wanted a scale book that not only had scales, but other exercise...
Music Teacher Store