I had the opportunity to fly to Houston and present at the Texas Music Teachers Association Convention. I have always wanted to check it out and I was looking forward to my time there. My only regret was not spending more time. It was a super quick turn around trip. I...
ASMTA Conference Sessions: Tradition and Innovation Part 2
Getting Over the Fear of Teaching Online and Video Lessons By Jennifer Foxx I thought the conference theme this year was a perfect one to share my presentation, Getting Over the Fear of Teaching Online and Video Lessons. This is a session where I stress that teaching...
Comic Strip Music Composition
Each year I try to have at least one composition project for my students to work on. Over the years we have enjoyed doing creative story compositions. This year my students and I had a SUPER time with the A.N.T.H.E.M. program. Because of the superhero theme, I wanted...
Combining Vocal Exploration with Story Telling and Composition
Today I wanted to share an easy idea that combines melody composition with story-telling. Many of you are probably familiar with vocal explorations. I love the idea of vocal explorations and how simple yet effective they are. If you aren't familiar with vocal...
Storybook Compositions
This year in the studio my big focus was on composition. Each month I would have my students create a storyline along with a melody that would go with their story. As the months progressed they were adding to their story and their composition. I LOVED putting these...
Music Theory – Made Fun!
One of my favorite online resource websites is Ear Training and Improv by Kristin Jensen. Kristin has created the Ultimate Music Theory Worksheet guide. This includes over 25 free printable worksheets that you can download and use with your students. She has even gone...